For notices from St Hilda’s church please scroll down
Notices from St George’s church... Click HERE
3rd May to 1st June
If you use this link to book a holiday with TUI St Hilda’s receive a donation without having to do anything.
If you buy groceries online at Sainsbury’s, they will also give a donation to St Hilda’s by using this link –
Every time you shop online, in one of the many stores, including John Lewis and M&S, St Hilda’s will receive a payment from that store. Just click on the link to support St Hilda’s and the rest will take care of itself. THANK YOU!
Wednesday Adult classes at St Hilda’s Church Hall, Thornleigh Road, Jesmond, NE2 3ET
6.30 – 8pm Adult ballet (Grade 3 and above)
8.00 – 8.45 Adult pointe (Ladies and Gentleman welcome)
Thursday Children’s Classes at St Hilda’s Church Hall, Thornleigh Road, Jesmond NE2 3ET
5.00 – 6.00 Children’s Standard 3
6.00 – 7.00 Children’s Standard 6
7.00 – 8.00 Children’s Grade 6
8.00 – 9.00 Adult exam prep (invitation only)
30 min classes £4.00
45 min classes £5.00
60 min+ classes £6.00
120 min class £10.00
Free children’s class for every 6-week block attended without missing a class. (Applies to 7 week half terms only)
Please ‘like’ Newcastle Diocese’s Young People Facebook page to find out about the huge amount happening to help people with children’s and youth ministry in the new normal. Visit and ‘like’ here.
Sunday 11:00am Eucharist at St Hilda’s and at 9:30am at St George’s.
Tuesday 8.45 Morning Prayer (St Hilda’s) – Tuesday 9:30am Parish Eucharist (St Hilda’s)
Thursday 9.30 Holy Communion (St. George’s, north aisle)