Flower Festival and Exhibition 28th & 29th June 2024
The theme for 2024 is FAMOUS QUOTES
We are hopeful of all quotes being encouraging and uplifting to all who visit and with that feel good factor.
The quote is enhanced by the use of beautiful flowers and arranged in a way that tells a story, making the experience quite magical. Following the preview of the flowers on opening night, Friday the 28th June, the magic continues as we are entertained by the wonderful music of the Mandolin Orchestra.
Everyone will also have another opportunity to see the Exhibition on Saturday the 29th June from 10:00am until 5:00pm in church and in the hall there will be refreshments and stalls as in previous years.
Admission free on Saturday, donations are very welcome.
Friday evening tickets are £6.00, which includes cheese and wine and entertainment by the Mandolin Orchestra
We would also like to offer the opportunity to sponsor a flower arrangement in memory of
a loved one, as a dedication to someone or for whatever reason you choose.
Please contact by email… ledinning@yahoo.co.uk